A Little Help, Please: What's the Future for Journalism Education?
Poynter's News University
Dear Ramesh, There's lots of talk swirling around the topic of the value of a journalism degree. Roger Ailes, the Fox News chairman and CEO, in a speech at the University of North Carolina recently, told journalism students they should change their major. "If you're going into journalism if you care, then you're going into the wrong profession … I usually ask (journalists) if they want to change the world in the way it wants to be changed,” Ailes said. Tom Huang, Poynter adjunct faculty member, has a slightly different take: "Actually, you should go into journalism if you want to save the world. My point is that you don't get to choose the time that you're called upon to be brave and do your best work. Don't forget: A time of crisis and change is a time of incredible opportunity,” he wrote for Poynter.org. What's your take on this? Whether you are a student, educator or professional, we would like to know what you think about the value of a journalism degree. Poynter's Howard Finberg, who has been thinking about the future of journalism and journalism education for years, will be giving a talk at the European Journalism Centre on the future of journalism education, and he hopes you'll fill out a very short [four to five questions only] survey. He'll share what he learns at AEJMC this summer as well. Here's the link to the survey: www.surveymonkey.com/s/journ_edu_future2012. As Poynter NewsU's gift to you for taking the time to share your thoughts, we'll give you a 35 percent discount code to any of our Webinars or Webinar Replays. You'll get the code when you complete the survey. In advance, thanks for your help. The NewsU Crew
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