The Associated Press ✔ @AP Follow
BREAKING: Dutch military plane carrying bodies from Malaysia Airlines Flight 17 crash lands in Eindhoven.
Nine minutes later, there was a clarification:
The Associated Press ✔ @AP Follow
CLARIFIES: Dutch military plane carrying Malaysia Airlines bodies lands in Eindhoven.
But during those nine minutes, Twitter users must have been under the impression that there had been yet another aircrash.
And, as the Bangalore-based NewsMinute portal pointed out, some of the over three million followers of AP on
Twitter took notice of the error and were quick to respond:
Commas can save lives. RT @AP: BREAKING: Dutch military plane carrying bodies from Malaysia Airlines Flight 17 crash, lands in Eindhoven.
Read the NewsMinute post in its entirety here: "How Associated Press created a flutter by missing a comma in a tweet".