Showing posts with label lingo. Show all posts
Showing posts with label lingo. Show all posts

Sunday, August 21, 2011


Samosapedia claims to be the definitive guide to South Asian lingo, though at first glance it appears to be more like the sub-continental cousin of the US-based Urban Dictionary (you will see what I mean when you check out both websites).

Definitive guide or not, Samosapedia is definitely an idea whose time has come. Don't we all want to know how to "have a bucket bath" and aren't we on the lookout always for "cheap and best"?

As for "Chaicoffeeidlivadatomatrsoupsipsaaay!", here's the entry from Samosapedia: SipsayAugust 05, 2011, Word of the Day
Most people who've traveled on the Indian Railways would agree that the best part of the journey is the endless barrage of food that comes your way.

Depending on what region of India you're in, your choices might range from hot hot idli-vadas wrapped in banana leaves and newspapers, to steaming peppered tomato soup served in styrofoam cups, to chai/coffee, to SIPSAAAAY.

"What are sipsays?" you may ask. It took me a while to figure this one out. I would hear "Chaicoffeeidlivadatomatrsoupsipsaaay" bellowed as the vendors breezed pass our train cabin and always wonder what that last item was.

Why, of course! Chips! An adaptation of the English word for "chips" or, as the Brits would say, "crisps" "sipsay" are those delightful deep fried, salted, spiced slices of potato/jackfruit/banana that we all love to munch on!

Next time you're on a train and you hear "sipsay", stop the fella and grab a few. Then you'll really be able to sakkath majaa maadi on your journey!

Vendor: "Chaicoffeeidlivadatomatrsoupsipsaaay!!!!!!!!"
Child: Amma, I want banana chips!
Amma: OK mole. 

You know where to go now for your daily dose of chutney.
  • Thank you, Satish Perumal (Class of 2011), for the tip-off.