Friday, December 17, 2010

The most valuable thing in a journalist's wardrobe?

Vijay Simha, the deputy editor of Tehelka, has compiled a list of "10 things journalists ought to do" in the December 18 issue of the magazine.

No. 1, he says, is "Have a reason. Journalism doesn't create wealth. There has to be a purpose. When there's none, poor decisions are made."

And here's No. 10: "Shut down. There must be something to go home to. Else, we turn rancid. The booze and drugs are then at hand."

I particularly like these two:

No. 3: "Start at home. Journalists are made in homes, not in offices. The early initiation into newspapers and books is critical."

No. 8: "Have a thick skin. Can be the most valuable thing in the wardrobe. Wear it every day, there will be terrible moments."

Simha then gives us a brief list of 10 things journalists ought not to do.

Check out both lists here.

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